At Sexton’s Manor our aim is to ensure that all children become fluent in the essentials of mathematics. We use a Maths Mastery approach; within this approach, children are encouraged to develop fluency, reason and solve problems. They are encouraged to apply their mathematics to a variety of problems to help them become confident mathematicians with the necessary skills to tackle mathematics in their everyday lives. Across the school, children use a range of practical resources to support their understanding of mathematics. They demonstrate their learning using concrete, pictorial and abstract representations.
Click here to see our Calculation Policy.

Within our Maths sessions, children complete daily fluency practice called Fluent in Five. They also have opportunities to show understanding through journaling tasks and through regular MathsTalk sessions.
As a school we use the White Rose Small Steps planning as a basis for learning. This ensures clear progression through the different units and provides a framework on which to base learning.
Click here for a link to the White Rose website where you will find our Medium Term Plans.